Do you want to have lovely hands? Here I am going to teach you how to achieve it.



The secret to having splendid hands with little care.

All women do not have nails with that long and pumped shape that gives so much elegance to the hands that it lengthens and stylizes the fingers; however, through various care they can be worn with a nice pink and bright coloration that denotes good health and makes us acquire a pleasant appearance whatever the shape. Nail care does not require more than a few routine touches, provided they are done properly. To clean them, a boar bristle brush with rounded ends or a rubber brush should be used; you can also put your nails in a sponge soaked in soapy water. We must not forget that a brush that is too hard irritates the tips of the fingers and injures the lower part of the nails. When drying the hands, the cuticle arranged by nature as a union between the nails and the skin of the skin should not be abruptly pushed back. Fingers, the towel or pointed objects as they can damage it and penetrate microbes and dirt into the folds causing an infection.

To clean and whiten the nails at the same time a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide or talc is passed through its lower part; pointed objects such as the tips of the scissors or the file will never be used. It is advisable to file the nails every day, because although the result is not immediate, it is few weeks they become vigorous and acquire a pink color, also through this procedure the formation of keratin and blood circulation are stimulated without damaging the varnish. Nails sometimes have problems that can be remedied such as white spots and stretch marks. There are those who think that it is due to a lack of calcium, but this is not the case since nails have nothing to do with the bone system and therefore have no need for this element. Apparent and persistent productions on the surface of the skin, composed mainly of keratin, belong to the same as the hairs; therefore if they show weakness it is due to the lack of proteins or sulfur, the base of the keratin.

White spots are common in young girls or ladies who pay little attention to their hands and are usually formed by air pockets that infiltrate the middle layers when the cuticle is poorly cut; the white coloration comes from the reflection of light in the air pockets. Sometimes they are symptoms of a poor general condition and appear, for example, in prolonged fever crises or in cases of chronic diarrhea or other digestive disorders. To make them disappear, it is necessary to massage the edge of the nails every day with a cotton swab impregnated with alcohol, and monitor for health. Brittle nails are a problem for young ladies who are concerned about their outward appearance and are usually or periodically broken across or in layers and sometimes both ways at the same time. In these cases it is better to wear them short since they can hook the stockings and the dresses.

Some activities, such as typing on the computer keyboard or cleaning, promote nail breakage; although the case of typists with very well-groomed nails is the case. This fragility is sometimes innate and others appear with age or as a symptom of certain diseases, including anemia, generally the nails dry out by frequently putting them in the soapy water of the sinks as well as by touching the cleaning chemicals. If you live at home with powerful heating where the air is devoid of moisture your nails as well as your skin become dehydrated and brittle and hard nails become dry and brittle are sometimes a sign of arteriosclerosis or hyperthyroidism. It can also happen that they are damaged by using too many solvents with desiccant acetone. In order to properly protect the nails especially on the days of the period when they are weakest, it is advisable to wear gloves to do all the housework just as well as to wash and to make the beds; use fatty solvents without acetone, cover them with a tonic and drink enough so that dehydration does not occur.

In the case of anemia, the nails are strengthened by taking protein, vitamin A and iron as well as 9 g of gelatin per day for three months, mixed with fruit juices, water or milk. It is effective to restore nails to their hardness, direct applications of keratin-based consolidants, tissue extracts or sulfur proteins; the action of these is greater if the nails are massaged at the top, which in turn stimulates circulation. They can also be strengthened by putting them in a formaldehyde solution or by applying liquid or pencil hardeners, but without exceeding them since these products, if used in excess, dry them out. If the nails become brittle, it may be due to insufficient consumption of meat, one of the foods that contribute the most protein to the body or a malfunction of the thyroid due to lack of silica, this often happens in menopause in which all the hormone secretions decrease. Nails are impoverished as are hair and skin; therefore, it is necessary to observe a diet rich in protein and vitamin A (liver, spinach, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes) and apply a drop of thyroid extract to the root of the nails in the morning and at night. This extract is excellent for those that break easily, break or split in two, for whatever reason, because it manages to transform them in just three weeks.


People who, as in my case, have soft nails; in addition to consulting the doctor because they undoubtedly lack physical vigor. We must apply ourselves to achieve the strengthening of a 2% alum solution. This formula is sold in pharmacies. To properly fix the nails, it only takes a complete manicure kit, a rational method and some tricks. The hands are the second face of the woman and laborious workers made at the same time to work, to caress and to take care of; they must always be well cared for and have a pleasant presence. For this reason, even if work is carried out that spoils them; their appearance can be kept clean and cared for by means of precautions. Below I explain the technique that professionals follow so that you can do it yourself in the comfort of your home:

-The anterior enamel is removed with a cotton swab impregnated with a greasy solvent and introduced into the folds with a pointed object, trying not to touch the skin. Pure acetone should not be used because it removes natural oil from the nails, dehydrates them and makes them brittle.

-The nails are cut before filing if they are soft, brittle, dry or brittle they could break if they are filed for a long time also if they are too long by making three cuts: one in the middle and two on the sides.

-They are then shaped with a ground file. They are always filed in the same direction from the outside to the center, because if this is not done, the nails deteriorate and can move to the root. The file should be tilted slightly under the edge to avoid burrs.

-They are polished with a steel diamond file on which diamond or sapphire filings are fixed, since it is softer than purely metallic ones and then it is checked with the fingertips if the nail has been smooth.

-The nails are put in a container with warm soapy water so that the cuticle is slightly soaked and allows the cream used below to penetrate better. It is not necessary to soak them too long, as the absorbed water evaporates very soon. During this operation you can entertain yourself with a sponge located in the bottom of the container to better clean the nails and calm the nerves.

-The cuticle is massaged with a cream, special for it, soft and vitalizing that contains biological substances. The products in which the petroleum jelly is found are not recommended, since they do not provide the nails with any assimilable element and also suffocate the tissues. This massage is very beneficial from all points of view since it activates the circulation and consequently, the nutrition of the nails as well as the active ingredients of the cream penetrate to the root and the excipient softens the cuticle.

-The cuticle is removed and then the skins that adhere to the base with a plastic stick; Rubber ones should never be used because they are too soft, or metallic ones because they can damage.

-Emollient, neutral or slightly acidic liquid is applied to soften and detach the skins. Poor-quality (alkaline) products alter and make nails brittle and even attack neighboring areas of the skin. Spread with a brush around the nails on the surface and around the edges.

-The contour of the nails is cleaned with a cotton ball and the rest of the products are removed with the help of a wooden stick so that it cleans well without hurting. This instrument is taken as if it were a pencil, with the bevel resting on the nail.

-The skins are cut with special pliers; these should be slightly open, with one of the cuts resting on the nail and the tip directed towards the ends, in order not to damage the cuticle. Before it was completely removed, but today it is not so since it has been discovered that it serves as protection; In addition, if it is cut too much, its growth increases and it becomes increasingly hard.

-The nails are cleaned with a wooden stick, which will be inserted gently so that the bevel does not damage the fingertips. Metal objects should not be used because they can injure.

-A fine and smooth pumice stone is passed through the roughness’s that sometimes form on the sides of the nails due to poor filing or certain manual work.

-The nails are carefully cleaned with a bristle brush or soft nylon in order to remove the remains of creams and skins, taking care not to tear or hurt the cuticle.

-The nails are polished to activate circulation, stimulate their vitality and give them shine. They are rubbed with the polisher a dozen times with long, light taps. The polishing suede should not be washed as it will lose its flexibility and softness; it can be turned over and then changed.

-A base is applied to prolong the duration of the enamel and give it greater adherence. The bases for fragile nails, added with resins or special substances, protect them and prevent them from drying; they also isolate them from direct contact with water or detergents.

-Finally, the enamel is applied to the nails when they are completely dry. For them to be well painted, it is enough to give three brush strokes: one in the center and the other two on the sides; in case you want to mark the crescent, four will be given: the first along the middle of the nail, the second along the drawing of the crescent, and the remaining two, along the sides. It is not necessary to give transversal brush strokes, especially if pearlescent or iridescent enamel is used because they can mark stretch marks. The varnish should be spread evenly without spilling over the sides or penetrating the cuticle; it is advisable to apply a fixative to prolong the duration of the enamel and to finish the operation if the cuticle has been stained, it will be cleaned with the pointed end of a swab dipped in a solvent.

It is necessary without stopping painting the nails one or two days a week, to avoid drying them out and it is also advisable not to give the half-moon enamel in order to facilitate breathing. If in spite of these cares, the nails have lost their pink color and their natural shine, and have turned yellowish, it is undoubtedly due to the continued use of enamels; therefore, it is advisable to do a three-week cure during which no varnish will be used and only regenerating or vitalizing products will be applied so that the nail recovers its natural appearance. Among the materials necessary to perform a good manicure must also include a special solvent to give the enamel fluidity, when it is too thick, and a liquid to stick the broken nails. There must be a harmony between the color of the varnish and that of the lipstick; also with the tone of the dresses.

For daily care, frequent washing and manipulation with chemical detergents, make the hands gradually become rough and reddish, especially at the end of winter because the cold dries out their upper part and moderates the activity of the sebaceous glands, being able cause eczema. The hands are normally protected by sebum and by the acidity of the epidermis that protects them from microbes. Alkaline soaps and detergents degrease and spoil the epidermis, thus after washing the hands for twenty seconds, which is the regulatory time currently imposed in relation to hygiene and prevention of the coronavirus; it takes two hours for the tallow layer to completely rebuild and the acid layer one and a half hours. In this recovery time the skin is more vulnerable.

The water softens, sensitizes, cracks and swells the skin of the hands and, if it is too hot, predisposes to dermatoses. To handle modern detergents, soap and water safely, certain precautions must be taken; we must avoid the use of too frequent washing, especially in cases of thin epidermis and in winter. They must be protected from the cold; we must cover ourselves with gloves. It is advisable to preserve the hands of the harmful contacts, using cloth gloves to carry out the house work in dry and for the humid and greasy it is recommended that we use the rubber gloves with other cloth ones underneath because the rubber can end up damaging our hands.

People who cannot bear the use of gloves should use silicone cream before any work to make it slip water, Caucasian products and chemicals. It is necessary to properly choose soaps and creams; In case of sensitive epidermis, it is advisable to buy a very fatty soap, an acid soap that respects the acidity of the epidermis and lipo-protein soap without chemical detergent that cleanses well, protects and rebuilds the protective layer of the skin. If the hands are very dirty and need vigorous cleaning, a second soap can be given with the preceding products. The best product to clean the fat from the hands is also the fat, although it seems strange; to remove the sebum, they are first rubbed with petroleum jelly, petroleum, butter or also with olive oil mixed with a little crystallized sugar. Nicotine stains are removed with hydrogen peroxide, fruit juices or butter.

Glycerin should not be used as a cream because it dehydrates the skin by absorbing water from the epidermis. You have to choose a non-greasy cream, the lemon for example that is acid, astringent and bleach is very good for the hands. If you do a lot of home work, you need to buy a dual-use cream that also contains an insulator, silicone or beeswax; In case of having cracked hands, you should use an allantoin cream since it is a great vegetable wound healing. If the epidermis is very dry, a creamy, greasy and nourishing cream should be given at night that gives the skin the equivalent of the secretions eliminated by the day's work. If your hands swell at night and react badly to cold weather normally, you need to activate circulation.

Pianists and typists do not usually have red hands because of their continuous exercises; therefore people who do not exercise this type of professions must ensure that their hands move. In the morning when you wake up and several times during the day you must raise your arms outstretched above your head, then quickly close and open your hands several times in a row. At each dead time, the hands and fingers tighten and stretch. To go outside we must protect our hands with quite wide gloves; to warm your hands when you have gone out in cold weather, we must avoid these two instinctive gestures: bring them to a hot place and put them in hot water. It is better to bang one hand against the other, open and close them very quickly several times or rub them with camphor alcohol; every time they wash their hands it is convenient to pass the nail brush, a very simple procedure to circulate the blood well.

In case of pronounced redness, we should take alternative baths, which also prevent chilblains. Three or four times a day we put our hands for 10 seconds in cold water and then in hot water at a bearable temperature; this gymnastics activates the circulation of the surface and improves the nutrition of the tissues. For girls, friction with thyroid extract just adds it to a cream and this will give you good results.

If on the other hand you have constantly wet hands or perspire excessively when you are excited or anxious; you will find it beneficial to take a mild pain reliever. You can also take some medication that cuts off perspiration for a few hours, such as belladonna. But the most important thing is daily care. I recommend washing your hands with a special astringent soap and deodorant, and then rubbing yourself with camphor alcohol. You also sprinkle the inside of the gloves with talc. If this is not enough, you should spread for several days with a formalin or permanganate lotion; It is advisable to always carry deodorant in your bag so that you apply it to the palms of your hands, which will give you security and prevent perspiration.

Carynel S. Avila

I live in a small coastal town on the American continent. In my free time I like to read suspense stories. I have been writing novels, poetry, essays, my own stories and articles on topics that I like to read for a few years. I hope you identify in some way with me and with the product of my imagination.


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